To accomplish our mission of ‘Science in the service of Washington State’ we mobilize leading experts within and beyond the Academy to provide objective scientific and engineering assessments on the issues that impact the citizens, governments and businesses of Washington State.
We advise the state legislature, state agencies, the Governor’s office and others through a variety of different approaches depending on the needs and timeline of the request.
If you are in need of scientific and engineering expertise, contact our Executive Director to learn more about how we can help.
Conduct independent scientific & Technical reviews
WSAS convenes an independent committee of experts to review proposals, reports, nominations or other relevant products on behalf of state agencies or commissions, nonprofit organizations, or for-profit companies, ensuring that they are scientifically sound.
Convene experts
As a trusted and independent partner within Washington State, WSAS has a unique ability to bring together scientific experts, policymakers and other stakeholders to advance conversations around issues of interest to the state.
Individual or small-group meeting
WSAS identifies and connects relevant experts with the requesting entity to provide specific scientific or technical information on time-sensitive issues or questions. Generally includes less than 10 people.
WSAS provides a forum for sharing views, information and analyses related to a specific issue involving science and technology. This activity fosters a high-level discussion among a larger group of stakeholders that is memorialized in a brief summary. Generally includes roughly 20-40 people.
WSAS organizes an interactive meeting in which an interdisciplinary group of stakeholders with diverse perspectives discuss a specific science and technology issue in detail. WSAS produces a summary reflecting insights that emerged from the workshop. Generally includes roughly 30-60 people.
WSAS hosts a large gathering (>100 people) intended to broadly inform stakeholders across disciplines and sectors about the current challenges and opportunities around an issue critical to Washington State. Also includes ample networking opportunities for participants. Discussions that occur at WSAS symposia are detailed in Symposium Proceedings published by WSAS.
Prepare reports
WSAS reports provide objective, scientific input on complex issues.
Commissioned Report
WSAS convenes an independent study committee of experts to produce a comprehensive, peer-reviewed report that synthesizes the best available science on an issue of interest to the state. These in-depth reports can include assessments of risk, identification of technological opportunities and delineation of research gaps. Additional experts and stakeholders are often engaged through workshops as part of the process of developing the report. Learn more about our study committee process.
WSAS staff, in consultation with our members and other experts, produce a short report, or white paper, that provides a broad overview of an emerging science or technology area and outlines key questions and challenges facing the state.