WSAS Project

Value of Solar & Storage


The Washington State Legislature funded the Academy (via Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5950 – Section 130 (45) (a)) to conduct a study to determine the value of distributed solar and storage in Washington state in order to create recommendations and options for a methodology or methodologies that utility regulators and governing bodies may use after the statutory four percent net metering threshold is met. As part of this project, WSAS will engage relevant stakeholders focused on the value of distributed energy resources in Washington state, including solar, storage, vehicle to grid, and other resources. Stakeholders will include representatives from consumer-owned utilities, municipal-owned utilities, investor-owned utilities, utility regulators, the rooftop solar and storage industry, as well as advocacy organizations involved with consumer advocacy, environmental justice, clean energy, climate change, labor unions, and federally recognized Indian tribes.

Value of Solar Proviso Language from ESSB 5950 

Department of Commerce – Energy and Innovation 

(45)(a) $500,000 of the general fund—state appropriation for fiscal year 2025 is provided solely for the department to contract with the Washington state academy of sciences to conduct a study to determine the value of distributed solar and storage in Washington state, including any factors the academy finds relevant, in order to create recommendations and options for a methodology or methodologies that utility regulators and governing bodies may use after the statutory four percent net metering threshold is met. In the course of their research and analysis, the academy shall engage relevant stakeholders focused on the value of distributed energy resources in Washington state, including solar, storage, vehicle to grid, and other resources. This shall include, but is not limited to, representatives from consumer-owned utilities, municipal-owned utilities, investor-owned utilities, utility regulators, the rooftop solar and storage industry, as well as advocacy organizations involved with consumer advocacy, environmental justice, clean energy, climate change, labor unions, and federally recognized Indian tribes. 

(b) The Washington state academy of sciences shall submit an interim report to the department and the utilities and transportation commission by June 30, 2025. This interim report must include a plan and cost estimates for further work in the 2025-2027 fiscal biennium to develop policy recommendations and submit a final report to the department and the utilities and transportation commission. 



Requested of WSAS

July 2024 – June 2025

Washington State Legislature via the WA Department of Commerce


Requested of WSAS


July 2024 – June 2025


Washington State Legislature via the WA Department of Commerce

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Project Team

Oversight Committee

Anjan Bose
Washington State University

Mohit Chhabra
Natural Resources Defense Council

Daniel Kirschen
University of Washington

Elena Krieger
PSE Healthy Energy

Alan Love
Washington State University

Autumn Proudlove
NC Clean Energy Technology Center

Noel Schulz
Washington State University

Dan Schwartz
University of Washington

Jonathan Yoder
Washington State University


Donna Gerardi Riordan
Project Director

Tristan Fehr
Associate Program Officer

Renske Dyedov
Associate Program Officer

Emma Rogers
Project Coordinator

Amanda Murphy
Senior Facilitator, William D. Ruckelshaus Center

Phyllis Shulman
Senior Facilitator, William D. Ruckelshaus Center

Steve Johnson
Energy and Regulatory Consultant

CURRENT Projects