WSAS Project

Addressing PFAS in Food Packaging


On behalf of the Washington Department of Ecology, WSAS convened a committee of experts to review alternatives to hazardous “forever” chemicals — per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances or PFAS — in fiber-based packaging for food. These widely used chemicals persist in the environment indefinitely and are linked to a variety of human health concerns.

This review informed a Washington State Department of Ecology report that laid the groundwork for subsequent action by the State Legislature. In 2021 the Legislature banned PFAS in four types of food packaging and later enacted a policy to address PFAS in a broader range of products by 2025. These actions have helped establish Washington State as a national leader in PFAS mitigation.

Project Details


Requested of WSAS


January – December 2020


Washington Department of Ecology

Project Team


Elaine Faustman*, Chair
University of Washington

Simona Balan
California Department of Toxic Substances Control

Lauren Heine

Pat Hunt*
Washington State University

Donatien Pascal Kamdem
Michigan State University

Michael Skinner*
Washington State University

Huqiu Zhang
Sevee & Maher Engineers

*WSAS members


Donna Gerardi Riordan
Executive Director

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