WSAS Project

Protecting WA species and habitats through Net Ecological Gain standards


WSAS convened a committee to advise the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife on a net ecological gain standard for state land use, development, and environmental laws that could improve statewide performance on ecological health and endangered species recovery. The committee’s report outlines a definition, goals, objectives, and performance metrics for a net ecological gain standard; assesses the sufficiency of existing standards in achieving endangered species recovery; and makes recommendations about monitoring and indicators for no net loss and net ecological gain.

Project Details


Requested of WSAS


August 2021 – September 2022


Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife

Project Team


Ronald Thom*, Chair
Emeritus, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Heather Burpee
University of Washington

Ken Currens
Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission

Heida Diefenderfer
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Tim Essington
University of Washington

Anand Jayakaran
Washington State University

Mary Ruckelshaus
Stanford University

Katharine Wellman
Northern Economics, Inc., retired

*WSAS members


Donna Gerardi Riordan
Executive Director

Yasmeen Hussain
Program Officer

Amanda Koltz
Interim Program Officer

Net Ecological Gain Public Meeting – January 25, 2022

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