In response to members’ strong interest in actively helping WSAS fulfill our mission of “Science in the Service of Washington State,” we are establishing Topical Working Groups (TWGs) aligned with key scientific and technological policy interests of both the state and our members. TWGs are designed to engage members in key policy issues facing the state, organize and conduct projects addressing these issues, and help coordinate efforts to connect with other state and local organizations.

The three initial TWGs are:

  • Environmental Quality, Sustainability and Climate Change
  • Jobs, Infrastructure and Economic Environment
  • Quality of Life, Health, Education and Workforce Preparedness

Topical Working Groups increase WSAS Members’ capacity to act on policy issues involving science, technology, the environment and health. Their impacts are measured through the types and quality of its activities, the strength and influence of the connections with key policy makers and strategy groups, and the relevance and value added of our products to policy makers.

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