Study Committees impaneled to examine scientific and technical issues for Washington State are essential to accomplishing our mission – science in the service of Washington state. For all of its projects, WSAS is committed to upholding the scientific integrity and independence of the scientific process, and rigorously applying evidence-based knowledge to each activity in which we engage.

WSAS employs specific procedures in the committee-member selection process and committee orientation materials to ensure the independence, neutrality, and objectivity of committees. WSAS forms committees that provide a range of expertise and balance of perspectives related to a specific topic. WSAS’s process includes soliciting recommendations for committee members who possess the requisite expertise from WSAS members, experts in our networks, sponsors, stakeholder groups, and the public. WSAS’s goal is to identify experts in disciplines relevant to the committee charge, who will be able to critically examine the available science to provide unbiased scientific advice in the context of the project.

In addition to their being vetted for their scientific or technical expertise, committee members are required to declare biases and conflicts of interest to WSAS prior to participation in the project. All committee members serve as individuals with recognized expertise, and not as representatives of their employer, affiliated organizations, or interest groups. Most committee members serve on projects as volunteers without financial compensation; however, WSAS does provide honoraria in exceptional circumstances. Committee members are expected to adhere to the WSAS Code of Conduct.

Throughout a project, committee members are expected to provide comprehensive, transparent, unbiased, and clear technical analyses. Committees gather information from a multitude of sources to investigate the question described in the project statement of work, and deliberate to reach a shared understanding of the evidence. The committee process is independent of the sponsor and findings do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsoring organization or agency. Committee products represent a synthesis of the committee’s deliberations and should not be construed as the opinions of individual committee members.

Committee Independence

The WSAS committee process is designed to preserve the independence of the committee’s work and shield its deliberations from influence by others.

Committee deliberations are closed sessions that are limited to committee members and staff. Committees occasionally hold open sessions or workshops to gather information from sponsors, including but not limited to state and federal agencies, the scientific community, and or stakeholders.

WSAS work is independent, and thus not reviewed by sponsors, committee members’ employers, stakeholders, or any outside groups prior to its release as a final document. WSAS committee work undergoes an internal peer review from the members of the WSAS Board in order to assess clarity and responsiveness to the project charge.  

Transparency of Committee Work

All final documents are transmitted to the project sponsor and may be requested if they are not already publicly available by the sponsor or on the WSAS website.