Susmita Bose

Westinghouse Distinguished Chair Professor at the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Washington State University

Professor Bose’s interdisciplinary research interest lies at the interface of chemistry, materials science and engineering, bioengineering and biology, focusing on 3D printed bone tissue engineering scaffolds, surface modified implant materials and drug delivery vehicles. Her group has contributed towards synthesis and processing of calcium phosphate based bioceramics with controlled chemistry and degradation kinetics based on clinical needs, their mechanical and biological property evaluation. Dr. Bose has served as the of Director of Biomedical Materials Research Lab / Bioengineering research center, a visiting Professor at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) MRSEC Harvard University, Cambridge, MA in 2008 and 2014, Visiting Scientist & CSIR Fellow, CGCRI, Kolkata, India.

Dr. Bose serves as an Associate Editor (AE) for the Journal of Materials Research (Biomaterials), Journal of the American Ceramic Society, and an editorial board member for several international journals including Acta Biomaterialia, International Journal of Nanomedicine. She has served as a standing member of the Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering (MTE) study section and ad hoc member of several NIH study sections, other funding agencies, e.g. NSF, AAAS, US-CRDF and as reviewer for over 40 journals. Since 2018, Dr. Bose has also served on the National Academy of Inventors’ (NAI) Fellows Advisory committee.

Prof. Bose’s work has been funded by state and federal agencies for over $15 million, e.g. NSF – PI and Co-PI, the NSF PECASE grant (Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, PECASE grant is given in Washington DC at the White House by the US President) and NSF-NER, NIH R01 grants from NIDCR, NIBIB and NIAMS – as PI, and also as co-investigator, ONR – co-PI; Washington Technology Center (WTC – as PI and Co-PI); foundations, e.g., the M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust (PI), the W. M. Keck Foundation (co-PI) and from several companies. In 2011 – 2012, and in 2018, Dr. Bose’s group research on 3D printed ceramic bone scaffolds with controlled chemistry for hard tissue engineering and natural medicinal compounds was featured by the AP, BBC, NPR, CBS News, MSNBC, ABC News, and many other TV, radio stations, magazines and news sites all over the world, including R&D magazine, Science Daily News etc. She is an advocate for promoting interdisciplinary education in today’s research, scientific and technical world.

Prof. Bose has supervised / supervising over 45 graduate students for their MS and Ph.D. degrees in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), Mechanical Engineering and Bioengineering. She has mentored over 40 undergraduate students from materials science, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, biology and bioengineering as their undergraduate research supervisor. Her students have received awards inside WSU as well as in competitions at annual conferences of different societies, e.g. ACerS, TMS, MS&T, and Society for Biomaterials (SFB).

Dr. Bose has published over 280 technical articles including ~240 journal articles, 23 book chapters, 9 edited books, 12 issued patents. Her papers have been cited over 20,500 times (‘h” index 75). Dr. Bose has given over 300 presentations in national labs, industries, universities, several invited talks at the ACerS, TMS SFB, MRS, ACS and MS&T meetings. In the last few years, she has been invited to give several keynote and plenary talks, e.g. Keynote speeches at the American Association of Physicians of Indian origin in India (Kolkata), International Drug Discovery Science and Technology Congress (Boston), opening plenary talk at the Bioceramics International meeting (Toulouse, France), keynote speech at the FRIMACHAT meeting (Limerick, Ireland), invited talks at the AAAS (Austin, 2018), MS&T and MRS meetings.