Brian French

Regents Professor & Berry Family Distinguished Professor, College of Education
Director, Learning & Performance Research Center

Washington State University

Brian French’s research focuses on educational and psychological measurement issues. The first area concerns the application of psychometric methods to gather score validity evidence for instruments. The second area, informed by the first, is the use of methodological studies to evaluate and improve methods in terms of efficiency and accuracy used to gather test score validity evidence. The goal of this research is to address fairness issues in decisions made about individuals. A sample of topics of interest include: Measurement Invariance, Structural Equation Modeling, Item Response Theory, Classical Test Theory, Factor Analysis, Multilevel Modeling, Monte Carlo studies. He works with various groups (e.g., education, psychology, agriculture, medicine) on these topics.

Dr. French teaches courses in measurement/psychometrics, statistics, research methods, and quantitative methods. He also is active in national service, serving (a) as the program chair for AERA Division D: Quantitative Methods and Statistical Theory, (b) on the GRE Technical Advisory Board, and (c) as the editor of the Measurement, Statistics, and Research Design section of the Journal of Experimental Education.