October 17, 2018
WSAS President Anjan Bose provides some highlights from the past year.
October 4, 2018
WSAS Board member David Eaton served as the Chair of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s recent report on “Public Health Consequences of E-Cigarettes”, published earlier this year. In the report Eaton and a committee of 12 other experts critically evaluated over 800 peer-reviewed papers that addressed one or more of the often-controversial aspects of e-cigarettes.
July 10, 2018
The selected students attended the 2018 AAAS meeting - whose theme was Advancing Science: Discovery to Application - and shared their application-based research proposals with the broader scientific community.
June 15, 2018
Two of WSAS’s founding organizers, Drs. Jim Cook and Gordon Orians discussed the creation of WSAS and the ways in which WSAS mirrors the National Academies at the state level.