The Washington State Academy of Sciences (WSAS) is pleased to announce the results of its annual election. WSAS Members re-elected a Treasurer who will serve a second two-year term, and elected three new Directors who will serve three-year terms. The WSAS Board is responsible for the governance of the Academy in support of its mission, “science in the service of Washington State.”

The elected Officer and Board Members will begin their terms at the conclusion of the Annual Members’ Meeting on September 15, 2022.

New Officers & Board Members elected by the WSAS membership:

Treasurer – Allison Campbell, Associate Laboratory Director, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (retired)

Dr. Campbell has been re-elected to serve her second term as Treasurer of the Board of Directors. She was elected to WSAS in 2013.

Board Member – Michael Goodchild, Emeritus Professor of Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara

Dr. Goodchild has been elected to his first term on the Board. As a member of the National Academy of Sciences, he joined WSAS in 2018.

Board Member – Julie Kmec, Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology, Washington State University.

Dr. Kmec has been elected to her first term on the Board. She was elected to WSAS in 2019.

Board Member – Ljiljana Paša-Tolić, Laboratory Fellow, Functional and Systems Biology, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Dr. Paša-Tolić has been elected to her first term on the Board. She was elected to WSAS in 2021.

WSAS Board Members whose terms will end on September 15, 2022:

Brian Atwater, Board Member

Ricardo Catalano, Jr., Board Member

Ronald Mittelhammer, Board Member

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